march, 2016

30mar6:00 pm9:15 pmMarch 30th 2016 Meeting at Maggiano's Oakbrook


Event Details

DuPage Pharmacists Association Meeting- Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Maggiano’s Little Italy Oakbrook Center, Oakbrook, IL. 

6-6:30 PM Registration

6:30-7:00 PM Dinner and Business Meeting

7:00-8:30 PM Christophe Merville, PharmD, Director of Education & Pharmacy Development, Boiron USA

Introduction to Homeopathic Medicine for  Pharmacy Professionals

8:30-9:00 PM Wrap Up

Educational Objectives for Dr. Merville’s presentation:

At the end of the session participants should be able to:
1. Discuss the principles of homeopathic medicine and describe the basic principles of the approach and treatment.

2. Be able to relate facts and myths about homeopathic medicines.

3.  Describe some the current research about homeopathy including results from randomized trials.

4. Be able to discuss drug interactions and safety of homeopathic preparations.

5. Compare the regulation of homeopathic medication to other complementary and conventional pharmaceuticals

Because our meeting falls on the last day available for CE credit for relicensure we decided to have a program where attendees can decide the licensing period they would like to have their CE applied.  This program is modeled for successful completion of a free written or online Power-Pak CE which will be provided at the program. Completion of the program will provide 2.0 Credit Hours of CE
Boiron USA   provided funding for this program

Members: There are no fees for this program

Non-members: $75




(Wednesday) 6:00 pm - 9:15 pm


Maggianos Little Italy 240 Oakbrook Center

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